



huge; immense; vast;

something  amazingly large.

I found a prodigious eye looking at me. It was time to start rowing the boat.

Memory trick:
prodigious reminds of prod.
I prod you with my finger to look at it- because it is amazing.

At work:
We won a prodigious client. It's going to be a great year because they have a lot of money.

(c) 2015 E. Carruthers





contrary; diverse; different;

being unalike and going in different directions.

His books took a divergent path. He was a novelist but now he draws cartoons.

Memory trick:
diver gent.
a diver swims away from the world.

At work:
The web product is divergent from the old desktop product. We will get a lot of new sales.

Free e-books from New Word A Day - on Amazon

New Word A Day - Vol 5: Cartoons and Riddles

New Word A Day - Japanese ESL: Vocabulary Cartoons

(c) 2015 E. Carruthers





last chance; decisive moment; crossroads;

the point of no return.

Our boat crossed the Rubicon. We had enough gas to reach the island. We did not have enough gas to return to the mainland.

Memory trick
rub icon
we rub the icon before we click.
once we click it... we cannot undo it.

At work:
We crossed the Rubicon a year ago. We cannot cancel the project because we have too much invested in it.

Free e-book from New Word A Day

(c) 2015 E. Carruthers





confuse; bewilder; baffle;

to make someone unable to think clearly.

Math will not discombobulate you with study and hard work.

discombobulate reminds of discomfort.
we feel discomfort when confused.

At work:
We don't want to discombobulate the client. We need to make the instructions clear.

(c) 2015 E. Carruthers





smart; gifted; bright;

being young and having the intelligence of someone who is mature.

The precocious child beat all the adults at chess.

Memory trick:
precocious reminds of precious.
someone who is young is precious.

At work:
You must have been a precocious child. Your programing skills are amazing for someone so young.

(c) 2015 E. Carruthers






guilty; responsible; liable;

blame that is earned or deserved.

The dog is culpable in the disappearance of the cake.

Memory trick:
culpable reminds of gulp.
we gulp or swallow hard when we are guilty.

At work:
We are not culpable for the loss of the money. We can prove it and we can get it back for you.

(c) 2015 E. Carruthers