



intense; passionate; earnest;

having extreme interest or enthusiasm for something.

He is a fervid coin collector. He buys them all the time.

Memory trick: fervid reminds of fever.
You have a fever when you are excited.

Used at work:
I appreciate your fervid dedication. I am giving you a raise.




evil; wickedness; dishonesty;

lacking honesty and being a devious bad person.

His improbity makes me not trust him with my money.

Memory trick: "Improb" reminds of improper.
Bity reminds of bitty or small. An improper small person.

Used at work:
His improbity was obvious when I realized his report was fake.

(c) 2014 E. Carruthers





evil; wickedness; dishonesty;

lacking honesty and being a devious bad person.

His improbity makes me not trust him with my money.

Memory trick: "Improb" reminds of improper.
Bity reminds of bitty or small. An improper small person.

Used at work:
His improbity was obvious when I realized his report was fake.




links; combination; series;

putting things together in a sequence forming something new.

The concatenation of the bricks made a strong house.

Memory trick:

Con reminds of combine.

Nation reminds of many forming one.

Used at work:
Our concatenation of our research papers created the final report.

(c) 2014 E. Carruthers





links; combination; series;

putting things together in a sequence forming something new.

The concatenation of the bricks made a strong house.

Memory trick:

Con reminds of combine.

Nation reminds of many forming one.

Used at work:
Our concatenation of our research papers created the final report.




regret; lament; grieve;

feeling remorse for a past action.

I rue the day that I stopped exercising.

Memory trick:
Rue reminds of re as in RE-gret

Used at work:
I rue the day I hired him. He never completes a project.

(c) 2014 E. Carruthers





regret; lament; grieve;

feeling remorse for a past action.

I rue the day that I stopped exercising.

Memory trick:
Rue reminds of re as in RE-gret

Used at work:
I rue the day I hired him. He never completes a project.



speaking in an unclear way to hide your meaning.

His equivocation was confusing. We never knew what he was saying.

Memory trick:
Equi reminds of equal.
Vocation reminds of vacation.
Equal is on vacation because it makes no sense.

Used at work.
I am tired of the equivocation in your reports. Please write them in a clear way.

(c) 2014 E. Carruthers





speaking in an unclear way to hide your meaning.

His equivocation was confusing. We never knew what he was saying.

Memory trick:
Equi reminds of equal.
Vocation reminds of vacation.
Equal is on vacation because it makes no sense.

Used at work.
I am tired of the equivocation in your reports. Please write them in a clear way.

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(c) 2014 E. Carruthers