
 New Word A Day


Making a good profit.
My use:

My pay is now very remunerative.  It shows that learning is valuable.
Literary use:
By Poe
The want of an international Copy-Right Law, by rendering it nearly impossible to obtain anything from the booksellers in the way of remuneration for literary labor, has had the effect of forcing many of our very best writers into the service of the Magazines and Reviews.

Memory trick:
re . mune . r . ative
re (reminds of) = to reap or gather
mune (reminds of) = money
r (reminds of) = are
ative (reminds of) = active
reap money are active
Listen: Remunerative

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< re-mon-strayt >
An opposing argument.  A pleading response.
My use:   I would like to remonstrate your idea.  You say we should use cheap paper,  but I believe we should use better paper.
Literary use: By Mark Twain
 It was a purely legitimate sensation, you see, and I was surprised and grieved when the stockholder came in to remonstrate.
Memory trick:
Remonstrate (reminds of) = demonstrate or to show something
You demonstrate and I will remonstrate your demonstration
Listen: Remonstrate

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Pronounced < Rec-Ken-Die-tuh >

It means:  Not easily understood.  Hidden or concealed.
Daily use:  Please do not paint a recondite picture.  I like simple art.

Memory trick: 
 Recon (association)  =  to find out more, soldiers go on recon missions to spy
dite (slang)  =  a little  -  please move over a dite

Find Out More + A Little  =
You have to find out more - you understand a little - because it is not clear.

Listen: Recondite
Vocabulary exercises your mind.

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My use:
I really like your supposition. But I think you're wrong about the moon being made out of cheese. 
Imagining as true what is not true. Belief without good evidence.  Poor.

Literary use:
By Tillotson
This is only an infallibility upon supposition that if a thing be true, it is imposible to be false.

Memory trick:
suppos . it . ion
suppos (reminds of) = suppose
it (reminds of) it
ion (sounds like) un or not
suppose it un
Listen: Supposition

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Pronounced < said-you-luss >
It means:  Persistent continuous attention
Daily use:  Your sedulous flattery will get you everywhere.
Memory trick: 
sed (reminds of)  =  said
u (reminds of)  =  you
 lous (reminds of) = lust
Said you lust
You keep giving attention by saying your lust
Listen: Sedulous

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Wholesome; healthful; promoting health
My use:
Eating fruits and vegetables are salutary for your health.
 They give you energy.
Literary use:
By Virginia Woolf
Thought and theory must precede all salutary action; yet action is nobler in itself than either thought or theory.

Memory trick:
Salut . ary
Salut (reminds of) = Salute ( a cheer )

ary (sounds like) = airy - air ( good for health )
Salute . airy

Listen: Salutary

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Pronounced: <tie-row>

A beginner.  Someone new to a field.

My use: I was a tyro computer programmer.  Now, I am an experienced programmer.

Literary use:  By Cowper ~ The management of tyros of eighteen is difficult.

Memory trick: Ty - ro
Ty (reminds of) Tyke or child
ro (reminds of) row or level
child level

Listen: Tyro

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