
Are you erudite?

If you know you are erudite...

... you are erudite.


Having great scholarship; learned; well educated
When does incense ...
... incense you?


When you don't like the way it smells.
Incense means to make extremely angry; infuriate; to make someone very mad.
Incense also is a wood or gum, that is burned to produce a pleasant odor.
How does one word have two opposite meanings?
How did they invent that one?

I am incensed!
I give a prolix speech.

Why do you need to drink an elixir?


You need a pep drink because I won't stop talking.

Indulging in protracted discourse; Tedious; wearisome speaking or writing.

A drink that invigorates or gives you energy.
You quail from a quail.

Why do I guffaw?



I laugh because a little bird scares you.

to draw back in fear; lose heart or courage; cower

also means...

a small, short-tailed bird.

guffaw - a burst of deep loud laughter
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