De - cliv - at - tee
A downward slope.
1. Deviation from a horizontal line; gradual descent of surface; inclination downward; slope; opposed to acclivity, or ascent; the same slope, considered as descending, being a declivity, which, considered as ascending, is an acclivity. 2. A descending surface; a sloping place.
In a Sentence:
We will have a declivity of problems as we fix each one. Soon we will have no problems.
Memory trick:
decli - vity
De - cliv - at - tee
A downward slope.
1. Deviation from a horizontal line; gradual descent of surface; inclination downward; slope; opposed to acclivity, or ascent; the same slope, considered as descending, being a declivity, which, considered as ascending, is an acclivity. 2. A descending surface; a sloping place.
In a Sentence:
We will have a declivity of problems as we fix each one. Soon we will have no problems.
Memory trick:
decli - vity
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