eye - tin - er - ent
To wander
Passing or traveling about a country; going or preaching on a circuit; wandering; not settled; as an itinerant preacher; an itinerant peddler.
In a Sentence:
I am an Itinerant consultant. I work at one company one week, and another company the next week.
Memory trick:
it - in - e - rant
eye - tin - er - ent
To wander
Passing or traveling about a country; going or preaching on a circuit; wandering; not settled; as an itinerant preacher; an itinerant peddler.
In a Sentence:
I am an Itinerant consultant. I work at one company one week, and another company the next week.
Memory trick:
it - in - e - rant
rant reminds of to speak about different things
it - in - rant (different things)
it in different things
it - in - rant (different things)
it in different things
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